The owner of this website is Micky Irani., a Indian company with registered address Parnaka – Agar Road, Opposite Dahanu Beach, Dahanu, Maharashtra 401601.
Access to this website is the sole responsibility of the users. It does not imply that any kind of business relationship has been entered into between Seacrest Hotel. and the user, and requires users to be aware of and accept the terms and conditions of use. Should you choose not to accept them, please do not use this website. The information that appears on this website is that posted on the date of its latest update. Seacrest Hotel reserves the right to update, modify or remove information on this website. Should any of the clauses in these terms and conditions be declared void or unenforceable, the rest of the terms and conditions of use shall remain as set forth herein.
The website and its contents, including the designs, texts, graphic displays, logos, icons, buttons, as well as the software, trade names, brands, works, illustrations, photographs and technical drawings or any other marks that could potentially be used for industrial or business purposes (i) are held and owned by Seacrest Hotel. or third-party owners who have given their due consent for them to be posted on the website (ii) and are protected by domestic and international laws on intellectual and industrial property. Under no circumstances may it be understood that Seacrest Hotel. has granted any licence whatsoever or that is has waived, assigned or transferred any of these rights, either in full or in part, nor that it has granted or will grant in the future any rights, specifically, the right to alter, transform, exploit, reproduce, distribute or publicly disclose said contents without prior express consent in writing from Seacrest Hotel. or the corresponding owners. The user may only use the website and its contents for personal and private purposes. Any other use is prohibited and shall require the user to obtain prior express consent in writing from Seacrest Hotel.
In general, the users must at all times act in compliance with the law, standards of good conduct and requirements of good faith by exercising due diligence, and refraining from using the website in any way that could prevent, damage or disrupt the proper working of the website, the assets or rights of Seacrest Hotel., its suppliers, the rest of the users or any third person in general.
Seacrest beach Resort & Hotel does not carry out promotions or offer packages other than those that appear on its official website, nor does it carry out marketing campaigns by telephone. If you have any doubts about the authenticity of any offer or promotion received, please contact us at our official website www.seacrestbeachresort.com
It is strictly prohibited to add hyperlinks for commercial purposes on third-party web pages that redirect users to our website without the prior consent of Seacrest Hotel. Under no circumstances do hyperlinks on third-party websites imply that their owners have business or trading relations with us, nor that Seacrest Hotel. has accepted their contents or services. In any event, Seacrest Hotel. may not be held liable for the use of the content on third-party websites that have links to ours.
The website’s terms and conditions of use are subject to Indian law and any disputes that may arise from them shall be resolved before the Courts and Tribunals of the city of Mumbai, which shall have sole and exclusive powers over any other jurisdiction whatsoever. The foregoing shall be without prejudice to the powers of the Courts and Tribunals of the domicile of consumers should they have consumer and user status as provided for in Act 1/2007, which passed the amended text of the Consumer Protection Act, as well as any other additional laws or regulations in force that may substitute it at any given time.